Wk 3 – Apply: Service System Applications


The purpose of this assignment is to align proper queuing system applications to certain industries. You will also analyze and evaluate a company’s customer queuing service strengths and challenges.

Select a company you are familiar with, such as your own employer or a public company that you know you can find customer service queueing data on. If actual data is not available imagined or estimated data can be used.

Choose a service system queue for this assignment referring to Chapter 16 and 17 of your text.

Identify the type(s) of queue(s) (Chapter 16.4) used in the company or a certain part of the company. 

Refer to the Formulas in your text, page 568. Utilizing one of these formulas, apply the formula to a queue used in the company or a certain part of the company. 

Write a 350- to 525-word summary that highlights the strengths and weaknesses of the queuing system used in the company or a certain part of the company.

Cite references to support your assignment.

Format your citations according to APA guidelines.

Submit your assignment. 

 Student Name, Assignment week, date due


Michael Lindquist, Week 5.30.2023


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