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Ordering essays, term papers, dissertation, thesis and other kinds of college papers at MastersEssayWriters is very easy.

The steps to follow are:

  • Fill the Order Form

    The fields on our order form are self-explanatory. Fill each gap with the necessary information. You will be required to provide information such as the type of paper you want written, the number of pages you want, the deadline, the formatting style and so on. The trick here is to give as much information as possible. The expert writer will use this information to create the perfect paper for you. If you have sources you would like him/her to use, provide them. If you have samples of how you want the paper to look, share them as well.

  • Make a Deposit

    You need to create an account on our website to which you can attach your preferred payment method. Login to your account and make a deposit which should be enough to cover the cost of the project. Do not worry, we will not release the funds to the writer until you are satisfied with our work. We just need to confirm that you are willing to pay once the work is done.

  • Track Progress

    As soon as you make a deposit, the status of your paper will be changed to ‘paid.’ Then a suitable writer will be assigned the order and they will work on it. You can track progress by requesting for drafts as time goes by. You may chat with the writer directly and provide further instructions.

  • Download the Completed Paper

    Expect your paper to be delivered ahead of time. When the status is shown as ‘complete’ you can download the completed paper in .doc or .pdf formats. You may request for changes to be made at no extra fee.

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