I have my Resume completed: I need the following.
1). Sample Cover Sheet of my Resume.
2). A 2 paragraph Education/Career goal philosophy statement.
3). A 1-page evaluation of career progression “a synapse of my Resume”
4). A 1-page evaluating myself of habits that create success.
5). Outline of my life goal 1-page (What to hope to achieve- career and goal and where do you see yourself in 5 to 10 years.) I see myself graduating this December 2023 with my bachelor’s degree in Health Care Administration with a 4.0 GPA and on the presidents list. I would like to move up in my department as a Supervisor of Administration in Emergency Medicine or any Managerial position of Administration within the hospital. I am looking to apply for my master’s degree Health Care Administration (MS) Master of Science and start the Spring of 2024 hopefully. My goal would be to keep on learning and gaining more knowledge to be the best that I can possibly be in my career and future. Dream job is Senior Director of any healthcare organization to build up and make better changes for employees and as well as patients. To promote employee growth and have team building and education and training for employees to boost patient care and treatments. In addition, my personal life is to have a secure position for myself and my spouse, where he can go back to school and complete his degree. My husband is an Operation Manager for a large electrical distribution warehouse. I would like us to be more financially stable and save and then start the process of having our own family and start the process of adopting a baby by the end of next year. Maybe after my master’s degree, I can look into teaching or even start a management course in six sigma for the medical industry business. I know that my parents will be proud of me and with the love and support from them I know I did this degree for myself to benefit and grow but I also did this for them and my family. You never know I might just want to do my PHD after my masters. The one thing that my parents always say. No one can take your education from you. That has always stuck with me to do better and keep going. Starting next year I would like to take a break after my bachelors degree and right before I start my masters degree is go to Thailand and visit the elephant sanctuary, in addition I would like to travel a little bit more.
6). Written demonstration of Five Interview Questions and Answers.
7). (1-page: Evaluation of your mentor and how their role affected your life academic and professional development.) My mentor is Marina, I have worked with Marina for over 7 years Clinically and Clerically- I was a Telemetry Technician at LIJ for almost 3 years, then had the opportunity in moving up as a Senior Administrative Assistant II for Emergency Medicine Department. Marina works for Nursing Emergency Medicine Department. Marina is a Senior Administration Manager for Nursing Department. Marina has moved up starting as a secretary then moving to a Senior Admin Assistant- then to a Administration Manager and now a Senior Administration Manager. In that time span Marina got her bachelor’s degree then go her master’s degree in healthcare administration. Marina has told me I have so much potential in moving up with the department when I was a tech, so when the opportunity came for a transition to a senior Admin assistant, I went for the interview and got the position, currently I have been in the current role as a senior admin assistant for over 3 years. I decided to go back to school in 2021 to complete my bachelor’s degree. The Vice Chair of Emergency Medicine kept on telling and pushing for us to go back to school, 1 admin assistant went to school for her nursing degree and they told me I can be an amazing manager or leadership for Administration. I had a few college credits from before but what was transferable was a few, I made it my goal to complete my bachelors in 2 ½ years. So this December of 2023, I will graduate with my Bachelors degree in Healthcare Administration. Watching Marina’s grow within the department has shown me I can also have growth and potential. I wanted to do more and build a better future and career path. I have gained so much knowledge working in the administrative side of healthcare learning on how a hospital is run and the department. Marina and Dr. Kwon says once I complete my degree, they will help me find a managerial position or create a position where I can grow. My Manager Manny Delgado who is the Senior Director of Emergency Medicine has spoken to me many of times and said I do an amazing job and so proud that I am completing my degree so fast and still with a 4.0 GPA average. With all this hard work, he will assist me with getting a supervisor or any managerial position within the department or with in the Northwell organization. I am honestly thankful for Marina’s growth and working with her on projects and assisting with any administrative duties was a huge learning and growth process.
8). (1page). Create a sales pitch of yourself highlighting the assets as a potential employee.
-I would like a position in Healthcare Administration as a Supervisor of Operations or Manager of Operations. With all of my experience and now with my degree- I hope my director and department can create a position or help me get a position within the Northwell organization where I would be able to utilize my skills.
9). A problem of a workplace problem and how you solved it.(2 paragraphs)
10). (2 paragraphs)- A problem of a workplace problem and how I solved it.