

You work as a service desk manager in the IT department at Packages  Plus Delivery (PPD). The Human Resources manager at PPD has asked your  department to develop a section for the company handbook that addresses a  number of concerns that have been shared by employees. These concerns  focus on the perceived invasiveness of technology used throughout your  company, such as employee badges, sign-in requirements for computers and  building entrances, GPS systems on all delivery vehicles, and  monitoring of the wellness program.

Many employees are struggling with misconceptions about the internet  of things (IoT) and artificial intelligence(AI). They feel as if they  are being watched and monitored all of the time. Employees do not  understand the role that IoT and AI plays in the daily aspects of their  work and the company as a whole. The HR manager would like you to create  this section of the handbook to emphasize the importance of the use of  IoT and AI in improving business strategy and continuing to effectively  meet the needs of customers, employees, and the business as a whole.


You will be creating a 3–5 page section of an employee handbook for  Packages Plus Delivery. Your section may include any images, graphics,  or tables that can be used to clarify or convey information. If you use  resources to support your claims, provide proper APA citations.

The handbook section must include the following topics:

Internet of Things:

  • Provide examples of IoT devices or technology that is used in workplaces by individuals as well as organizations. 
    • You can discuss why and how these technologies are being used in the workplace.
  • Explain how the use of IoT impacts a business and its employees. 
    • Consider both positive and negative aspects.

Artificial Intelligence:

  • Provide examples of how AI can be used in workplaces by individuals as well as organizations. 
    • You can discuss why and how AI is being used in the workplace.
  • Describe the impact AI can have on business strategies. 
    • You can discuss why and how the increased use of AI impacts the workforce of an organization.
  • Explain how IoT data is used by AI.
  • Explain security and societal concerns associated with AI.

What to Submit

To complete this project, you must submit the following:

Section of an Employee Handbook (3–5 pages)

  • Your section may include any images, graphics, or tables that can be used to clarify or convey information.
  • You must include appropriate citations for your sources.
  • The handbook section must include all of the topics listed in the directions.


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