Respond to Sierra Post CJ140

Hello all!

I agree that an ineffective presentation by a single witness can lead to a potential acquittal, regardless of all other evidence. The jury is looking to the witness for details of the case and to clarify any misinterpretations. If the witness comes looking unprofessional or acts unprofessional if they seem nervous or confused it can skew the opinion of the jury. This can cause the witness to seem unreliable and the evidence to become inadmissible if there is a lack of preparation conducted between the witness and investigators. There is also the possibility of the witness becoming nervous in front of the jury and judge, but more comfortable in the privacy of an investigation room. This can also cause the jury confusion in trusting the witness. If the witness provides statements utilizing doubtful gestures or in an immature manner, then these witnesses have a possibility of losing their creditability leading to the case becoming acquitted (Grubb & Hemby, 2018, p. 171).


Grubb, R. E., & Hemby, K. V. (2018). Effective Communication in Criminal Justice. SAGE 

In your response to your peers, consider the explanation they provide in support of their response. Do you agree with their explanation? Why or why not? What about their explanation is different from yours? Which of their points or arguments make the most sense to you, even if you disagree with their overall position?


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