help with discussion

Part 1 

Find TWO digital ads (videos/commercials and/or social media posts) that appeal to TWO different levels of Maslow’s hierarchy.

Part 2 

Paste shareable links of the two advertisements you chose into the discussion board (please double/triple check to ensure the links are working). Along with each link, add a brief explanation (150-200 words) on the level of Maslow’s hierarchy each advertisement appeals to. 

Part 3 

Read and reply to at least two (2) of your classmates’ postings.   Your responses must be substantive and at least 50 words per reply.   Please no “Great Post” or “I Agree. ” Please comment in a substantive and analytical manner. 

Classmate 1: Hello Everyone,

I came across this Volvo commercial that covers the safety level in Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs. In the chart above, the safety level includes anything having to do with prevention. So this can be having proper insurance, alarm systems to ensure peace of mind, retirement, and investments for a better future. Every car company is going to want to be considered and will vouch for being labeled the safest. How effectively can car companies provide that message to embed it into the consumers brain though? With this commercial, you may first think that it is a clever way to show consumers all the precautions taken before putting a car on the market. This can be a tactic to develop trust between the consumer and brand, but if left like this the effect will be short term, since this car would tackle that first-hand safety. This commercial however is an eye opener, and cleverly uses the safety level by making consumer think about long term decisions. Electric cars are sustainable and can slow the climate changes we are already experiencing. Overall, it is an investment for a better future. 

This ad represents more of the belongingness level on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Where it shows in the add how a dog is in a very loving family, but this doesn’t stop the family from fulfilling their daily activities like work and school. Sawyer the dog has to deal with loneliness for a few hours in the day and doesn’t know what to do with himself, so he destroys all furniture. The commercial shows the stress it caused the family when coming home to messes, and they decided on the next best option; getting Sawyer a buddy to play with. Through amazon, the whole process was facilitated because the point being emphasized is that amazon provides a variety of products. Amazon makes it easier for you so you can spend your time on whats most important. Spend time on what gives you that sense of belonging; family and loved ones.

classmate 2: to an external site.

On Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, the belongingness level is emphasized in this Jared’s Jewelry commercial. The belongingness level has to do with love, friendship and acceptance by others. This commercial shows the man asking his girlfriend to marry him with a ring from Jared. The goal of this advertisement is to convince viewers that wearing Jared’s ring, it will help deepen romantic relationships or spark new ones. Customers believe that by acquiring their product, they become a part of something unique since it demonstrates joy, which is what everyone desires in relationships. to an external site.

This luxury vehicle commercial emphasizes the ego needs level of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. This luxury Acura advertisement highlights the status and high standards that come with owning a high end car.  It shows a successful businessman driving the vehicle, with the suggestion that owning and Acura will make the buyer feel powerful and successful and that others will view you in the same way. Overall, owning a high-end vehicle like the luxury Acura in this commercial will have the customers believing that their ego needs will be satisfied as well as their desire for accomplishment, prestige and status. 


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