milestone 1

My product is on  The Adidas Performance Training App  in 3-4 pages double space with references and the following:

here are two references that maybe used to help   


Ferrell, O. C., Hartline, M., & Hochstein, B. W. (2021). Marketing strategy. Cengage Learning.

K, M. (2020, December 28). Fitness review – Adidas training app delivers on sweat and ease – Ask that fit girl. Ask That Fit Girl.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

  1. Introduction: In this section of the project, you  will introduce your chosen product or service from an existing sport  organization as well as the overall goal of your marketing plan for  promoting this product or service. This will include an overview of the  current state of the sport organization and potential opportunities for  the organization.
    1. Provide an overview of your chosen sport  organization and the product or service you have selected to be the  focus of your marketing plan. (Remember that this must be an existing  sport organization, but the product or service may already exist or may  be a new, proposed product or service.)
    2. Introduce the overall goal of your marketing plan, including a brief allusion to the determinants of the plan’s success.
    3. Describe the current state of your chosen sport organization (e.g., popularity, recent events, history, previous marketing initiatives).
    4. State and describe the mission statement for your sport organization.
    5. Briefly describe potential sales and revenue growth opportunities that this marketing plan could help develop for the sport organization.


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