How To Remove Coil Gunk From Your Vaping Device?

Vaping has become a popular alternative to smoking cigarettes. However, if you’re an avid vaper, you may have experienced coil gunk. 

Coil gunk is the buildup of residue on your vaping device’s coils, which can affect the flavour and performance of your device. 

You can buy a vape and its parts very easily from any online vaporizer store these days. 

Removing coil gunk from your vaping device is important for maintaining the flavour and performance of your device. 

Try out these methods and see which one works best for you. Remember to always be careful when handling your device and coils to avoid any accidents. 

If you’re looking for ways to remove coil gunk from your vaping device, then read on.

1. Soak your coils in warm water. One of the simplest ways to remove coil gunk is to soak your coils in warm water. Take apart your device and remove the coils. Place them in a bowl of warm water and let them soak for a few hours. This will loosen up the residue, making it easier to remove.

2. Use an ultrasonic cleaner: An ultrasonic cleaner is a device that uses sound waves to agitate water and cleaning solution, which can be effective at removing stubborn coil gunk. Simply fill the ultrasonic cleaner with water and add a few drops of dish soap or vinegar. Place your coils in the cleaner and turn it on for a few minutes.

3. Dry-burn your coils: Dry-burning your coils can also help remove coil gunk. Remove your coils from the device and heat them until they start to glow. This will burn off any residue on the coils. However, be careful not to overheat the coils, as this can damage them.

4. Replace your coils: If your coils are too gunked up, it may be time to replace them. While this may cost you a bit more money, it can also give you a fresh start with a clean and efficient vaping device.


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