1. Job Analysis Memo 2. Resume and Cover Letter


For this assignment, you will 

  1. Find a current job posting that you will use for your Project 5. It can be a job that you want to apply for today using your current education or experiences, or it can be a job that you will apply for in 5 years after you have graduated (in which case you will need to make up some education and experience details). Good places to look for job postings are LinkedinLinks to an external site. or  IndeedLinks to an external site.
  2. Links to an external site. Read over the job posting very carefully and take notes to answer the following questions:
    1. What education is required for the job? 
    2. What additional experiences are required for the job? 
    3. What are the 5 key skills that the job asks applicants to have? 
    4. What are any unique features or benefits of the position? As a hint, look for any repeated words or phrases. Often job postings repeat the skills that they really want. 
  3. After reviewing this information, write a brief memo to me in proper memo format (see Module 5 if needed) that reports this information. 
  4. Make sure to provide a link to the job posting. 

 This final week, the graded activities are the discussion (with no responses required) and the Cover Letter and Resume Assignment. As a reminder, here are the assignment instructions:Resume and Cover Letter (15% of your overall grade)For this assignment, you will first create a resume based upon either your current work and experience or based upon the experience you would like to have in 3 to 5 years, within one year of your college graduation. Then, you will locate a job that you would like and that you believe matches your experience and education.Step 1: Create a resume. (90 pts) The resume will include the following and be formatted professionally.

  • contact information
  • objectives
  • work experience
  • education
  • other relevant experiences

Step 2: Create a cover letter. (50 pts)  Your cover letter should

  • be no more than one page
  • include the proper heading information, date, and appropriate greeting
  • reference the specific job
  • indicate the reason for your interest
  • explain why your education and experience qualify you for the position
  • include other relevant information
  • reference a follow-up meeting
  • have an appropriate closing and signature
  • be formatted professionally

Step 3: Include the specific job posting for the job (10 pts.)View Rubric


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