HCA 620 CLC – Business Plan

You show some of these on your site, but I need to know which assignment it was for before I buy any. There were three different ones for this assignment:  

1.HCA-620: Ambulatory Surgery Center (ASC)

2.HCA-620: Electronic Medical Record (EMR)

3.HCA-620: Community Health Program (CHP)


This is a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment.

Refer to the “CLC Resources” document for specific information about and directions for your project subject, whether your group chose the Ambulatory Surgery Center (ASC), Electronic Medical Record (EMR), or Community Health Program (CHP).

Based on the project subject chosen in Topic 1, your CLC group will create a 2,500-3,000 word business plan. The business plan should contain the sections and components common to typical business plan models. However, the specific needs of each project will determine the appropriate model to use. Relevant data, tables, charts, and graphs may be included.

Whichever model you choose, your plan must include the following:

  • Description of product or service
  • Business and industry profile
  • Marketing components
  • Financial information
  • Operational plan

So which ones are what as far as the ones you show? 1, 2, or 3…which one is what? There was one for 50 and one for 30, but we were assigned a specific assignment…..I need to know if you have the one we need. 



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