Professor MacQueen


  1. Why do you agree or disagree with the peer’s post and why?
  2. How does the peer’s interpretation of the influence of diversity differ from your view?

Ti post

 Diversity has influenced the humanities in several ways. As we continue to evolve, diversity includes different thoughts, cultures, art, music, and literature, to name a few. Diversity is a part of who we are—diversity in the workplace, groups, and other congregations. Diversity should never be about race but about thoughts and differences that will ultimately add value.
Some of the main contributions of diverse cultures that are creative expressions in the humanities are the ability to remove barriers such as discrimination and biases. Most public and private organizations support diversity goals to ensure fairness in hiring, schooling, and other human interactions. 

Tayrin post


Diversity has influenced the humanities by providing different artistic and cultural works to the world. Diverse religions, beliefs, races, ethnicities, and social norms have allowed humans to view and experience others’ cultures. I see the need to share a story as the main contribution to creative expression in the humanities. I wrote my project paper on the cave paintings of Chauvet. There are probably a hundred reasons why the people of that time created the cave markings, but of all the possibilities, they share at least one similarity, telling a story. I viewed it as a way for those people to share information with the next cave inhabitants. Maybe they were letting the people know what kinds of animals were near and available to hunt for food and clothing. Paintings have been an excellent visual way of expressing emotions and different cultures throughout history.


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