Touchstone 4: Formal Report


Touchstone 4: Formal Report

ASSIGNMENT: Now it’s time to put all the thought and effort from the five Touchstone Tasks together to create your final project in this course.

Imagine that you have been asked by Greenfield Properties to provide guidance and advice about how they should set up the IT network in their new building. Review the scenario and client requirements about Greenfield Properties again if needed, including the various job roles and devices to be supported.

Your assignment is to write a formal report to the company’s executives mentioning your recommendations.

Since your target audience is not highly technical, you will need to explain technical features and their importance in simple terms. Do not use a lot of jargon that they will not understand; if you do use jargon, you must explain each term.

Your report should focus on benefits and drawbacks and show an awareness of what the company’s decision-makers want as the end result of this network rollout. In other words, you should focus on what their overall goals are. Availability is certainly one and security is another. Consider what you know of the company from the scenario, and think of other outcomes they may also want; then make sure your report addresses how your recommendations will help with achieving those outcomes.

Along with your report, include a cover letter addressed to the president of the company, Chris Nelson. Remember, your goal in this letter is to introduce yourself, provide context for the report, and create an impression that you understand the company’s needs and have given careful thought to your recommendations. The letter should also provide your contact information, in case they have any questions.

As you respond to the prompts and questions in the Touchstone 4 template, consider what the client is trying to accomplish and what they have shared about their expectations. Use these perspectives to shape your responses to the questions.

Touchstone 4 Template
Touchstone 4 Sample

In order to foster learning and growth, all work you submit must be newly written specifically for this course. Any recycled work will be sent back with a 0 grade, and you will be given one attempt to redo the Touchstone.

A. Directions

Step 1: Download Template

Download the Touchstone 4 Template.

Step 2: Review Rubric

Review the Touchstone rubric below in Section B to see how you will be graded. It will be good to review the rubric prior to starting your project and after completion to ensure you have captured all the requirements for this Touchstone.

Step 3: Review Requirements

Review the Touchstone Requirements below in Section C.

Step 4: Review Sample

Review the Touchstone 4 Sample as an example of how to get started.

Step 5: Review Greenfield Properties Scenario

Review the scenario and client requirements about Greenfield Properties.

Step 6: Review Touchstone Tasks

Review your answers to the questions in the five Touchstone Tasks. You may want to use some or all of this information as you write your formal report.

Step 7: Write Formal Report

Write the formal report using the Touchstone template. The template is a great guide to help format your proposal. As you write each section, make sure you include the following information in your formal report.

HINTAgain, you may find the responses in the Touchstone Tasks useful!

SectionInformationCover Letter

  • Include client information.
  • Introduce yourself.
  • Confirm your understanding of the project.
  • Present the overall concept of your proposal.
  • Address it.


  • Start your report with an introduction to the proposal.
  • Include the request, client background information, and client expectations.

Network Infrastructure

  • Explain the network architecture you recommend and the reasons for your choice.
  • Describe the type(s) of cable you recommend using and why you chose it. If you chose more than one cable type, explain the difference and what parts of the network will use which type.
  • List the servers you recommend they set up, and describe the benefit of each of the servers you recommend.
  • Recommend whether the servers should be on-site or on the cloud, and explain your reasoning.
  • Describe the operating system(s) the servers should run and the versions of them you recommend, and explain your choices.
  • Evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of virtualizing some of the servers, and make a recommendation based on the facts in the scenario.
  • Explain your recommendation.

Network Segmentation and Printing

  • Explain the benefits of subnetting the network.
  • Explain your subnetting strategy and list the subnets you would create. Include how many subnets you think you will need and how many nodes each of them must support.
  • Evaluate whether implementing virtual LANs (VLANs) is a good idea or not, given the scenario, and explain your reasoning.
  • Describe how printers should connect to the network: via a print server or via direct IP printing. Explain your reasoning and the benefits and drawbacks of your chosen method.

Wi-Fi Networking

  • Describe the importance of full Wi-Fi coverage throughout the building and your estimate of how many devices will connect wirelessly to the network concurrently.
  • Explain your strategy for planning Wi-Fi coverage that is robust and trouble-free. Include the diagram you created in Touchstone Task 4 and explain what it shows. Make sure you explain the significance of the different colors and/or numbers on the diagram.
  • Describe the network infrastructure components that will be needed to support the wireless hosts.
  • Recommend whether or not to use a wireless LAN controller, and explain your reasoning.
  • Recommend which Wi-Fi encryption standard to enable on the Wireless Application Protocols (WAPs) and explain your reasoning.

Security Measures

  • Recommend a strategy for protecting the network’s physical assets, including the servers, the infrastructure equipment, and individual workstations.
  • Suggest at least one method that you would recommend using to secure network access, and describe how it will help make the network more secure.
  • Describe your recommendations for authenticating users when they sign in to the network and explain why you chose this method over the other available ones.
  • Explain the importance of strong passwords and the possible consequences of poor password policies. Describe the password policies you recommend enforcing and how they will help.
  • Explain the importance of a firewall. Describe the firewall system(s) you recommend, and explain your reasoning.
  • Explain the importance of anti-malware protection and your recommendations for implementing it.

Step 8: Upload Final Report

Once your project is complete, submit your project for grading. Select the Submit button at the top of this page and follow the prompts to submit your Touchstone Assignment.

B. Rubric

Advanced (100%)Proficient (85%)Acceptable (75%)Needs Improvement (50%)Non-Performance (0%)

Cover Letter and Introduction (15 points)

Format the report per the guidelines provided, and include a cover letter that introduces you, provides context, and makes a good impression.Formatted the report to meet all guidelines for formatting and included a cover letter that meets all objectives for the letter.Formatted the report to meet at least 80% of the guidelines and included a cover letter that meets at least 80% of the objectives for the letter.Formatted the report to meet at least 50% of the guidelines and included a cover letter that meets at least 50% of the objectives for the letter.Either did not include a cover letter or did not follow at least 50% of the formatting guidelines.Did not include a cover letter and did not follow at least 50% of the formatting guidelines.

Network Infrastructure (30 points)

Explain your network infrastructure recommendations and your reasoning behind each one.Included every required topic and explained the reasons for each answer. The reasons given are explained appropriately for the target audience to understand them.Included every required topic. Most but not all of the topics include a reason, or the target audience will not understand some of the reasons given.Included most but not all required topics. Some but not all of the topics include a reason.Included some but not all required topics. Most topics do not include a reason that the target audience will understand.Included few or none of the required topics. No reasons are given.

Network Segmentation and Printing (30 points)

Explain your network segmentation and printing recommendations and your reasoning behind each one.Included every required topic and explained the reasons for each answer. The reasons given are explained appropriately for the target audience to understand them.Included every required topic. Most but not all of the topics include a reason, or target audience will not understand some of the reasons given.Included most but not all required topics. Some but not all of the topics include a reason.Included some but not all required topics. Most topics do not include a reason that the target audience will understand.Included few or none of the required topics. No reasons are given.

Wi-Fi Networking (30 points)

Explain your Wi-Fi recommendations and your reasoning behind each one.Included every required topic and explained the reasons for each answer. The reasons given are explained appropriately for the target audience to understand them.Included every required topic. Most but not all of the topics include a reason, or target audience will not understand some of the reasons given.Included most but not all required topics. Some but not all of the topics include a reason.Included some but not all required topics. Most topics do not include a reason that the target audience will understand.Included few or none of the required topics. No reasons are given.

Security Measures (30 points)

Explain your security recommendations and your reasoning behind each one.Included every required topic and explained the reasons for each answer. The reasons given are explained appropriately for the target audience to understand them.Included every required topic. Most but not all of the topics include a reason, or target audience will not understand some of the reasons given.Included most but not all required topics. Some but not all of topics include a reason.Included some but not all required topics. Most topics do not include a reason that the target audience will understand.Included few or none of the required topics. No reasons are given.

Conventions (15 points)

Submission follows conventions for standard written English and meets requirements.There are almost no errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and capitalization; all length and formatting requirements are met. Report is written at an appropriate language level for the target audience.There are minor errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and capitalization that do not impede readability; length and formatting requirements are nearly met. Report is mainly written at an appropriate language level for the target audience.There are frequent errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and capitalization that somewhat impede readability; length and formatting requirements are nearly met. Report is only written at an appropriate language level in some places for the target audience.There are consistent errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and capitalization that significantly impede readability; length and formatting requirements are not met. Report is not written at an appropriate language level for the target audience.Submission does not meet the minimum threshold for points to be awarded. Report is not written at an appropriate language level for the target audience.

C. Requirements

  • Composition should be approximately 2,000–2,500 words but no more than 4,000 words.
  • Composition should be double-spaced with one-inch margins.
  • Use a readable 11- or 12-point font.
  • Use professional fonts such as Calibri, Arial, or Times New Roman. Do not use unusual fonts.
  • Composition must be original and written for this assignment, and all writing must be appropriate for an academic context.
  • Plagiarism of any kind is strictly prohibited.
  • The submission must include your name, the date, and the title of your composition.
  • Include all assignment components in a single .doc or .docx file.


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