Watch the following two videos and explore the website featuring the APWU (American Postal Workers Union) union contract negotiations.
- Video: APWU members are FIRED UP AND READY TO GO! (3:06mins; cc)Links to an external site.
- Video: Message From APWU President – Arbitration Opening Day (1:43mins; cc)Links to an external site.
- APWU WebsiteLinks to an external site.
Then reply to this discussion to answer the following questions:
FIRST Post: 150 words minimum
1) From what was stated in the videos and found on the website, what are some of the important labor negotiation areas / topics for APWU employees?
2) If you were an APWU employee, what one thing would be most important to you in the union contract? Why?
3) If you were a union leader, what would be most challenging to you in the union contract? Why?