EDLC 504
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The overview of the first three modules of this course has led you into an exploration of various
educational philosophies. Traditional philosophies, modern and post-modern philosophies, as
well as educational theories of transformation and transmission have all been studied along with
their corresponding personalities. This assignment will give you the opportunity to take a
selected personality, an educational thinker of your choice, and to “teach” this individual and
their educational philosophy as if you were teaching in a classroom in both print and presentation
formats, thus combining theory and practice.
Follow this checklist to guide you in completing this assignment successfully.
Select an educational thinker from the list provided under Educational Thinker
Presentation Assignment Resources.
Research the educational ideas and educational influences of your thinker. Create a
one-page handout reflecting this information, including at least 3 examples of the
thinker’s ideas and at least 3 examples of the thinker’s impact on education.
Information: You may include minimal biographical information about the thinker
only as it relates to how life events influenced the individual’s philosophy of
education. The major focus, however, should be given to the person’s educational
ideas and educational impact. Make a strong connection from the thinker’s theory to
his or her practice.
Your Name: Ensure that your name appears somewhere on the handout.
Sources: In fine print on the back or in the footer of the handout, insert your 3 major
sources in current APA format. Use credible academic sources. Wikipedia is not
acceptable. (Check the index of your textbooks to see if the authors have anything to
say about your thinker.)
Link to Video Presentation: Please include the link to your video presentation on the
The handout may follow whatever format you choose and may be as creative as you
Charts, outlines, graphic organizers, conceptual maps, pictures, etc., are not required
but are welcome. Some students have formatted their handouts as brochures,
résumés, simulated Facebook pages, etc.
A simple traditional outline will suffice if that is what you choose.
Submit the handout using the appropriate link in the course submissions area.EDLC 504
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Prepare a 5-minute video presentation. A common error is for students to spend too
much time on biographical information. Get to the ideas, impact, and critique before the
3-minute timer goes off.
Refrain from reading the entire handout, but you may refer to it and read quotes from it.
You are welcome to use note cards.
As part of your presentation, critique the educational ideas and educational influence of
Educational Thinker presentation
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