Diary entries are intended to help you reflect on the course material.
You should prepare diary entries detailing your insights related to the material covered in
class sessions 1, 2, and 3 as well as the corresponding readings. The diary entries for each
class session should be approximately 500 words (approximately 1,500 words in total for this
assignment) and should clearly describe your lessons learned, including how you are
planning to put course material into practice as you develop as a leader. In preparing these
entries, please refer as directly as possible to specific course concepts and readings to
highlight your command of course material. (Any passages you quote directly should be
placed in quotations and a page number and full reference should be provided.) Please submit
these diary entries as a single Word document are intended to help you reflect on the course material.
You should prepare diary entries detailing your insights related to the material covered in
class sessions 1, 2, and 3 as well as the corresponding readings. The diary entries for each
class session should be approximately 500 words (approximately 1,500 words in total for this
assignment) and should clearly describe your lessons learned, including how you are
planning to put course material into practice as you develop as a leader. In preparing these
entries, please refer as directly as possible to specific course concepts and readings to
highlight your command of course material. (Any passages you quote directly should be
placed in quotations and a page number and full reference should be provided.) Please submit
these diary entries as a single Word document
1500 word Diary entries
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