3 pages Miranda v Arizona Case Brief


After you do the above, write a case brief on any CRIMINAL CASE of your choice – case must be decided by the SCOTUS.” SCOTUS = Supreme Court Of The United States

Summary of the above sources – please note that you must cover at least the following 12 specific issues:

  1. Title
  2. Citation
  3. Year Decided
  4. Judge (Justice/Judge)
  5. Facts
  6. Procedural History
  7. Issues
  8. Court Decision
  9. Holding
  10. Dissenting Opinion
  11. Case Significance
  12. Conclusions/Discussions/Policy Implications (your views)

If you are in doubt on any of the requirements or instructions on this assignment please consult the Instructor. Please comply with all of the following requirements GUIDES:

1. Please use a cover page for your written assignments, papers and projects.

2. Have an appropriate title for your work please.

3. Please use paragraphs in almost everything you write – use paragraphs as appropriate to organize your points and also to help make your work more reader-friendly.

4 Please try to meet the minimum page/word requirement – please use it to showcase your research and writing skills. Remember that the minimum page does NOT include your cover page, your abstract and your list of reference … if any. Deliverable length = 2-5 pages of narratives….


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