Chapter 4 explores the concept of emergent literacy. It presents techniques and principles for building on the child’s experiences with reading and writing. Emphasis is on exploring a variety of literacy materials in a naturalistic, functional fashion, and reading and writing for real purposes. Whereas emergent literacy is seen as continuously evolving, certain awareness’s and strategies or skills are important for successful performance with conventional literacy: knowledge of the purposes and uses of print, alphabet knowledge, and phonological awareness. Techniques for teaching and reinforcing these areas are presented. In addition, the chapter explores reading programs in kindergarten and preschool and assessment of emergent literacy. It features informal emergent literacy measures. As you read through chapter focus on the most effective ways to develop young children’s literacy and foster their social and emotional growth.
A. I am sure you all have wonderful memories of being read to as children or reading to children in your classes. It is often an experience that teaches the ecstasy of language while also providing us a way to significantly connect socially and emotionally with others.
To further your reflection this week you will analyze one children’s book that could be used to substantiate the idea of social and emotional growth. You may want to use the Bad case of stripes by David Shannon and the Hungry little caterpillar by Eric Carle, for example. Are there biases or stereotypes in the books that you can spot? How does that impact the young reader? You may also want to check out this sites for other books and (Links to an external site.) if the proposed two books do not appeal to you. In responding to the reflection topic you may want to tie your findings with the books you chose.
B. Revise your knowledge on Emergent Literacy Skills and Strategies
Directions: Complete the following by filling in the boxes. Chart on Early Literacy skills.docx
C. Use the level of language chart attached below and march the definitions of useful terminology to know and be familiar with its meaning and usage.