Case Analysis 3


To complete mini-case 3, pick a company in the media industry that is dealing with the disruption related to online streaming and content delivery.  

Paint a background picture of the firm (emphasizing especially the present time), paying particular attention to the disruption it currently faces.  

1 – How is the company dealing with the disruption in content delivery, particularly online streaming and content providers like Netflix.  Conduct a PESTEL analysis and discuss any pertinent findings that drive the disruption.

2 – What is its current strategic approach?  How has it modified its strategy to deal with the disruption.  Perform a Five Forces Analysis.  Is the industry attractive?

3 –   Where is the potential growth in this market?  What challenges do companies face when attempting to expand internationally?  What recommendations would you make to the company regarding how to deal with the continued disruption in the industry?  Be specific.


Be sure to support the contentions you make (they should not just be “make believe,” they should be viable/believable), and your recommendations should be based on data-based (measurable) concepts and ideas.  In other words, back your suggestions / contentions with sound evidence (citations).

Click Case Analysis Guidelines and Rubric for further details on this assignment.

Submit Mini Case Analysis 3 to the Assignment basket no later than Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT. (This Assignment may be linked to Turnitin.)


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