Lecture Paper

Biomedical Ethics: Assignment Week 4

Discussion Exercise: Chapter 7 and 8

Objective: The students will complete a Virtual Classroom Discussion Exercise that will Extend yourknowledge beyond the core required materials for this class, Engage in collaborative learning with otherstudents to improve the quality of the learning experience for all students and Apply the higher cognitiveskills associated with critical thinking to your academic and professional work

.ASSIGNMENT GUIDELINES (10%):Students will judgmentally amount the readings from Chapter assign on your textbook. Thisassignment is prearranged to help you to learning in all disciplines because it helps student’sprocess information rather than simply receive it.You need to read the PowerPoint Presentation assigned for week 4 and develop a 2-3 page paperreplicating your appreciative and competence to apply the readings to your ethics knowledge.Each paper must be typewritten with 12-point font and double-spaced with standard margins.Follow APA style 7th edition format when referring to the selected articles and include areference page.


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