How to write literacy narrative

Write a 175- to 250-word narrative in which you respond to the following question: 

  • In your education journey, identify 1 key moment that stands out. This key moment could be from any point in your life, but it should be from your academic, professional, or personal experience that impacted your education.
  • How did this moment affect you? 
  • How did it impact your education? What type of education was impacted?
  • What did you learn about yourself from this moment?

In your narrative, ensure you:

  • Share your own story, scenario, or example about your education journey. 
  • Ensure you meet the word count requirements. Part of your score for this assignment will be based on meeting the word count minimum and staying under the word maximum, so create a narrative that is descriptive and robust enough to meet that requirement but does not go beyond the scope of the assignment. Be detailed yet concise. 
  • Apply what you know from your readings about narrative writing and:
  • Convey the importance of the event or circumstances.
  • Provide descriptive details.
  • Engage the audience.

Review and edit your narrative using the Microsoft Word spelling and grammar checker or grammar tools from the Center for Writing Excellence.

Submit your assignment as a Word document.


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