English Assignment

Research and select a medium-sized city (100,000-500,000 people) in the United States, other than Florida. Then, write a 2-3-page assignment, double-spaced, describing that city (geographic location, population size, available resources, etc.).  These characteristics will determine what risks, hazards, concepts, and elements will be included in your Emergency Plan.

Additionally, locate the emergency plan in place for that city. As this is a required element of the assignment, make sure that you can identify your selected city’s emergency plan before writing your assignment. You will submit the jurisdiction assignment along with the located emergency plan, via the submission links provided in Canvas and the Discussion Forum for Module Two. 

In-text citations and a reference list should be included in this assignment. A minimum of three source citations is required.  Apa format. Support your paraphrased statements and direct quotes with source citations.

Use headings to organize and structure your writing.

Examples of Assignment Heading format:

  • Introduction
  • Jurisdiction (Tailor to Your jurisdiction—give an overview)
  • Jurisdictional Characteristics (Tailor to Your Jurisdiction)
  • Jurisdictional Resources
  • Conclusion

Must include a turn it in report or I will refund


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