Country Report 1


This assignment will be the first of a series with similar prompts.

  • First, choose a country within a trading block (see list posted on D2L). It can be any country you are interested in, that you would like to travel to, or conduct business in. The choice of foreign country will not be graded (there are no wrong options) but try to avoid your own country, or a country in which you are near-native. On the other hand, it may help later on if you know someone from this country but this is not required.
  • For this assignment, you must submit a marketing country report on your country of choice. This country report will be informed by your own research on the country itself. Keep also in mind the trade block it belongs to, because that will be useful for the Economics section.
  • The structure recommended is to have separate sections for Demographics, Economic and Cultural facts. In total, it should be a short (approx. 2 single-spaced pages) bullet-point report of facts, one or two visuals are welcome if relevant. 
  • At the end, summarize the main points in the form of a PEST Analysis table. As a reminder, here you will list uncontrollable factors important to the success of any foreign business in that country. 

The challenge of this assignment is in summarizing an entire human community and reducing it to a considerably short list of sentences, numbers and visuals. You will be graded on how comprehensive but concise your report is, how marketing-relevant and insightful your data is, and how much the report demonstrates effort put into researching and understanding the foreign culture.

Write your answers in a Word document or another text processing file and submit the file here.


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