Creative project 4

Detailed Instruction

Section 1

Choose a literary work; then divide and categorize the work into sections / stanzas. Outline and discuss each section / stanza of the work. If there are important subtexts in the work you choose, be sure to include that information. Section 1 should be about 600 to 700 words total. Include link(s) to the literary work, if available.

Section 2

Mashup the literary work with the music of your choice (formatted as a list). Choose both classical and popular music based on the sections / stanzas you discussed in Section 1. You must select some classical music to be included. Also, include Spotify or YouTube links and times for each piece you choose. At the bottom of the list of pieces, include the total time of the music. Section 2 should include at least 60 minutes of music.


  • Piece 1—Erlking, by Schubert, 4:14
  • If you are only using one movement from a larger work, and the YouTube video is the entire work, be sure to list the exact times of the music you wish to use (i.e. “0:00 – 12:43”).

Section 3

In paragraph form, defend and discuss your decision for choosing each piece in Section 2. List each section / stanza of the literary work. List the piece of music you wish to “attach” to each section / stanza. Use musical terminology to discuss the pieces and be sure to apply information learned in the Music and Literature unit. Section 3 should be about 1000 words total.


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