
Foreign Partner Research: Trade [WLOs: 1, 2] [CLO: 3] [NACE 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8] Twitter

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Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapter 5, International Trade, in the required textbook and review the website SlackLinks to an external site.. Use SlackLinks to an external site. to communicate with your foreign student research partner(s) and explore the trade environment of the foreign marketplace for the final paper. Incorporate the following elements into your research and ask your research partner to comment and provide feedback on your research:

  • Current trade environment with the United States.
  • Current trade barriers (non-tariff and tariff).
  • Review the target country through Porter’s diamond model.
  • Review ethical dilemmas of exporting to the foreign target market (see Chapter 5 Emerging Markets, section 5.1 Expanding UK Exports in Russia).
  • Evaluate the foreign direct investment (FDI) environment and potential for ownership, location, and internationalization (OLI) advantages.

Prepare a brief synopsis of your partner research. Your initial post should be 200 to 300 words. You should use at least two credible and recent sources in addition to the course textbook. Your post must be organized using APA Style headings as outlined in the APA Style ElementsLinks to an external site. resource.


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