Education Culminating Project Assignment

This assignment is due today. (10/4/23)

For this assignment, select a grade level K-3 and create a project information sheet to be distributed to students and their families. Because the deliverable will be completed in the home environment, the information sheet must be complete enough for students and families to use as a guide.

The project information sheet must include the following in child-friendly language:

Explanation of the purpose of the culminating project.

A minimum of three learning objectives students will need to demonstrate in their projects. The objectives must align with your state’s learning standards in either literacy, mathematics, science, or any combination of the three content areas, for the grade level selected.

A list of four possible culminating projects from which students can select. At least one must include technology.

Expectations of the project deliverable including the use of technology.

Explanation of how students will present the project to their peers during class time.

A student-friendly rubric that aligns with the expectations, including a line for the presentation deliverable. The rubric must address how you will formatively check for understanding during the student presentation and a summative overview of the project as a whole.


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