Business Policy and Strategy

Please answer all the questions in a masters degree level and also used the attached pdf.

1- What are the opportunities and threats that could impact the organization?

  • Review all the general environmental categories. (PESTEL Analysis)
  • Use Porter’s Five Forces model to analyze the company’s industry. Identify key competitors and analyze their strategies, core competencies, and competitive response.

2- What are the strengths or weaknesses of the organization?

  • Review factors within the company that are critical to the strategy of the firm, and classify them as strengths or weaknesses.
  • Look for resources, capabilities, and core competencies.
  • Use the “Four Criteria of Sustainable Competitive Advantage”.

3- In the past, BMW has been able to successfully differentiate its products by engaging in value-adding value chain activities. What are some of these specific activities? How can BMW ensure its ability to continue with value-adding activities as it evolves into a maker of self-driving cars?

  • Use the “Value Chain Analysis” to identify value-adding activities and functions. 
  • This question is not about Business or Corporate level strategies. focus on the functional level.


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