Assignment #1


In your initial response to the topic you have to answer all questions.

Review the attached presentations on exchange rates.

Then go to the X-Rates Web site ( and find the current:

  1. Exchange rate for the US Dollar (USD) and any other country’s currency that you wish to study. Do NOT select the Chinese Yuan as your other currency because it is not a freely floating currency.
  2. Then, in the Monthly Average display, select the last 12 months from the drop down menus and click on “Go.”
  3. Based on the 12 months of data, which currency is appreciating (gaining value) and which is depreciating (losing value)? Remember it can do both in a year.

Report your findings to the class in your discussion post. 

  • Exchange Rates Part 1
  • Exchange Rates Part 2
  • Exchange Rates Part 3


Choose one of the following options for your Post: (Please see attached for articles) 

Option #1: The Inner History of Devices

After reading the assigned chapters from Turkle’s The Inner History of Devices, please do the following:  

  1. Identify three specific examples from these articles of personal experiences with technology that particularly struck you. For each of your three examples: 
    • Compose a brief description that includes the technology and how it shaped the person’s experience of the world.  
    • Connect the example to any of the other Required Learning Materials we have covered and discussed throughout the course. Be sure to refer to a specific reading.  
  2. Describe one of your personal experiences with technology or an experience of someone you know that in some way resembles the examples in these two chapters.   
  3. Use two quotes from any of your resources to support or explain your points. Make sure to provide in-text citations for both quotes in MLA format.  
  4. Provide references for all sources in MLA format.   

Option #2: Women and their Machines

After reading the two assigned chapters from Dyer’s From Curlers to Chainsaws, please do the following:  

  1. For each chapter: 
    • Identify and describe a specific incident in the author’s life and how it connects to technology. Do you think this incident reflects the concept of technological determinism or social constructivism? Explain.  
    • Explain how this incident relates to the author’s gender, racial, religious, ethnic, familial, class or cultural identity. 
  2. Assess your technological biography project and convey to the class anything from it that can relate to the idea of how technology can shape your self-conception and identity, or the self-conception and identity of the person you interviewed. How might technology enhance, expand or encompass your or your interviewee’s gender, racial, religious, ethnic, familial, class or cultural identity?  
  3. Use two quotes from any of your resources to support or explain your points. Make sure to provide in-text citations for both quotes in MLA format.  
  4. Provide references for all sources in MLA format.   

Option #3: Virtually Me

After reading Smith and Watson’s chapter, “Virtually Me: A Toolbox about Online Self-Presentation,” please do the following:  

  1. Select three terms you think are particularly interesting, and for each term, do the following:  
  2. Define or explain the term in your own words by summarizing or paraphrasing from the resource.  
  3. Use this term to talk about something you wrote, researched or learned while doing your technological biography. Make sure to justify your use of this term to talk about something from your technological biography project by referring to specifics from your work on the project and showing how the term applies.  
  4. Use two quotes from any of your resources to support or explain your points. Make sure to provide in-text citations for both quotes in MLA format.  
  5. Provide references for all sources in MLA format.  

Follow the links below to the UMGC library and read the two assigned chapters from Dyer, Joyce et al. From Curlers to Chainsaws : Women and Their Machines. Michigan State University Press, 2016 

  1. (20 min read) “If you can’t stand the heat: Ruminations on the Stove from an African-American Women” by Psyche Williams-Forson, pages 29-49 
  2. (15 min read) “Lebanese Airwaves” by Diana Salman, pages 228-42 


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