Module 4 des


This assignment has a total of ten activities, some required components and components that you get to choose!

There are a total of ten items required to be viewed for this assignment as indicated:

A: Two Public Service Announcements As Assigned

B: Two Television Commercials Of Your Choice*

C: One Feature Cinematic Film Or Made For Television Movie*

D: Any Five U.S. Government .gov Videos Of Your Choice: Each From Five Different Websites!

* You may choose any video publicly available product that has an intentional and clear public health relationship.

Start Here:

Please Create A New Assignment Page And Title It ‘Public Health Communications’.

Set the page aside for a moment and start your activities. 

Here are the assignment details:

A: Two Public Service Announcements

View Two Public Service Announcements Posted On You Tube Chosen For You

Part I. Review: ‘Fourth of July Safety’ By Kyle N. Horne:


This assignment has a total of ten activities, some required components and components that you get to choose!

There are a total of ten items required to be viewed for this assignment as indicated:

A: Two Public Service Announcements As Assigned

B: Two Television Commercials Of Your Choice*

C: One Feature Cinematic Film Or Made For Television Movie*

D: Any Five U.S. Government .gov Videos Of Your Choice: Each From Five Different Websites!

* You may choose any video publicly available product that has an intentional and clear public health relationship.

Start Here:

Please Create A New Assignment Page And Title It ‘Public Health Communications’.

Set the page aside for a moment and start your activities. 

Here are the assignment details:

A: Two Public Service Announcements

View Two Public Service Announcements Posted On You Tube Chosen For You

Part I. Review: ‘Fourth of July Safety’ By Kyle N. Horne:


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