Please Use The Template Provided At Bottom Of Page,
And Remember, The Margins Are Preset At One Inch All Around, Thus, You May Have To Reset Yours!
1. Using ‘newsworthy’ sources only, identify one current event related to pubic health at the local level.
You may choose your hometown or the university community.
2. Using ‘newsworthy’ sources only, identify two current events related to public health in America
at the national level.
This means you must choose a state outside of your state of residence or the university.
3. Using ‘newsworthy’ sources only, identify two current events related to public health in America
at the world level.
This means that your are looking at ‘America’ across the world which includes, Guam, Puerto Rico,
the Trust Territories of the United States, military bases, and scientific posts!
You are expected to know what the terms local level, national level, and world level mean.
For the four events outside your local level cite source in APA style, identify the author or producer,
and provide a brief description.
Please use the template provided at the bottom.
The template is preformatted in Word using one inch margins all the way around,
so be sure to reset your documents!