LSE 511 Human Development and Learning in Instructional Contexts
Teaching Journal Installment 1
YOU NEED THIS BOOK LSE 511 Human Development and Learning in Instructional Contexts
The Teaching Journal in LSE 511 is intended to provide you with an opportunity to pause, reflect, and integrate your developing knowledge of the research on student learning and the implications for teaching practices.
Teaching Journal Topics Modules Reviewed
Installment 1 Synthesize concepts and principles: Role of science in educational practice; learning science; limited capacity of cognition, attention, memory systems in learning; conditions for critical thinking, metacognition, self-regulation, developmental considerations Modules 1-3
Instructions for Teaching Journal
1. Review readings and materials addressed in the three modules pertaining to the installment. Be sure to review developmental trends highlighted in each chapter.
2. Review discussion postings in the same modules
3. Select key big ideas and principles addressed in the module materials and discussions
4. Use the prompts provided for each Teaching Journal installment to aid your selection concepts and to focus and organize your reflections.
5. Explain the significance of the big idea and principles you selected and their implication for teaching practice
o In this explanation, make connections among the big ideas, principles, and teaching practices across the three modules addressed
o Make personal connections to draw original implications for teaching practice
6. Complete a double spaced, 5 page (approximately) Teaching Journal Installment by the due date provided in the syllabus and course schedule.
TJ-Installment 1
Effective teachers could be thought of as expert learners. Review the big ideas and principles in chapters 1, 2, and 3 and related module materials. Use the research reported and your own background experience to address the following prompts:
• What learning strategies do effective learners use?
• How do effective learners manage challenges of attention and memory in classroom learning contexts?
• Review the developmental trends in the module chapters for this journal installment. What learning strategies would you prioritize for the students that you plan to teach?
• How may the developmental characteristics of the students you will teach challenge you as a teacher?
Grading Rubric for Teaching Journal Installments
20 points – This is well written. You fully addressed the questions and provided accurate and substantive reflections on the big ideas covered in modules. You drew connections among big ideas in module materials and made personal connections to derive original implications for teaching.
18 points – Follows directions; addresses most prompts accurately to focus on big ideas covered in the modules for current journal installment; draws connections among big ideas in module materials to derive implications for teachingWriting is mostly organized and clear, concise, and easy to read.
16 points – Follows assignment directions; addresses most prompts accurately and substantively; may include partial responses; may omit some critical concepts or implications for teaching in reflectionsWriting is somewhat organized and clear, concise, and easy to read.
14 points – Does not follow the assignment directions; does not address all prompts; misses critical concepts and implications for teaching covered in modules related to current journal installmentWriting is not organized, clear, concise, or easy to read.
0 points Fails to complete assignment or vague reflections providing no clear evidence of having read module materials related to current journal installment.