Importance of Ethics in Professional Settings

 Scenario 1: Marybeth is working as a psychology intern at a large mental health clinic. Over the weekend, she sees an 18-year-old female who discloses that she has been thinking about suicide for several months. She is not accompanied by either parent and says they do not know anything about her thoughts of self-harm. When asked if she is currently suicidal, she admits she is but requests that Marybeth not share this information with anyone. She further said that Marybeth is “my only lifeline for hope” and wants to work with her on a “strictly confidential basis.” 


  • Describe your selected ethical dilemma and why it is a dilemma. 
  • Provide an argument for 2 methods of resolving the issue and justify the ethical resolution process you would take under each method. 
  • Provide a rationale for why each method should be used, including the importance of ethical guidelines.


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