Developing SMART Goals


Week 2 : Developing SMART Goals

Due: Sun Oct 22, 2023 11:59pmDue: Sun Oct 22, 2023 11:59pmUngraded, 150 Possible Points150 Possible PointsAttemptIn ProgressNEXT UP: Submit AssignmentAdd CommentDetails


For this assignment, you will use the SMART Goals Worksheet (linked in the Resources) to create three personal or professional SMART goals.

Complete three worksheets (one for each goal), ensuring that each goal is specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound.

  • Specific – Describe the three goals in the first box of the template ensuring that they are specific.
    • What exactly should you be doing to help you achieve the goal?
  • Measurable – Describe how you will measure the successful completion of each of the three goals.
    • How will you know when the goals have been completed?
    • How will you track your progress?
  • Attainable – Describe how you know each of the three goals is attainable.
    • Who is going to help you with your goals?
  • Relevant – Describe the steps needed to achieve each of the three goals.
    • What skills and resources do you need to achieve each of your three goals?
  • Time-Bound – Describe the timeline that you will use to track the status of each of your three goals.
    • What are the specific dates or time periods you will use as a checkpoint for each of your goals?

For further guidance and examples on creating SMART goals, review the media pieces (linked in the Resources).

You will continue to build upon these SMART goals in your Unit 5 assignment after receiving feedback from your instructor.

You do not need to use APA formatting for this assignment. Your assignment submission should consist of three pages only; a single worksheet for each of the three goals you have identified. You do not need to write a paper or submit any other documentation for this assignment.

Submit your paper as a Word document to the assignment area by the due date.


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