English Mary ruefle homework


For your Self-Assessment , organize your thoughts into a unified and coherent composition that describes your work on the project, reflects upon your learning, and assesses your contributions to the group and your classmates’ contributions to the group. Consider the following questions:

§ What were your expectations for this project when it was first mentioned in class? after you were given the instructions? as your group began working together? How were those expectations met or disappointed or exceeded?

§ What did you learn about your group’s poet? Quote at least one passage from one of the sources that you found to be especially interesting or informative. What did you learn about the overall topic of the lives and works of living American poets through this project? Feel free to refer to the other groups’ projects. How has this project changed the way you think about poetry?

§ What work did you do in and outside of class for this project? How well did your group fulfill the requirements of the project? What parts of the presentation could have been better?

§ How well did your group work together? Did the other members of your group “pull their weight” evenly on the tasks? Did you? Be honest.

§ What was (or were) your primary role(s) in your group (leader, supporter, idea generator, taskmaster, peacekeeper, pragmatist, communicator, consensus builder, energizer, something else)? How has this project helped you understand your strengths and weaknesses when it comes to teamwork?

§ Has this project pushed you outside of your comfort zone? How so? What was it like presenting in front of a larger audience? What skills, knowledge, or habits of mind did this project reveal to you that you need to acquire or practice?

§ Consider the course competencies for ENC2300 (below), especially the Competencies highlighted below. How well did this project help you engage with those competencies? 

§ What is your biggest “takeaway” from this project? Why?


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