Training Needs Analysis As a human resources (HR) director,
As a human resources (HR) director, it is important that a training needs analysis be conducted to improve the performance of underperforming employees, new hires, and current employees. Your task is to create a full-sentence, detailed training outline. Click here to view an example of a full-sentence outline.
Click here to view an example of a full-sentence outline. What are the training objectives? What are the training activities? What will be included in the training content? What are the program delivery methods? Who will conduct the training program? What is the duration of the program? Identify four ways that you can tell how employees are performing. How would you evaluate the training program on an organizational level? What would be the budget for the training program? Conclude with a summary of the program and an overview of the importance of training programs.
Your training plan outline, including the summary, should be at least two pages in length and use APA-style guidelines. Reference the textbook at a minimum. Include a title page and a reference page.