

For this assignment, you will apply what you have learned to your current profession, interests, or a specific audience (for example, school board members, educational organizations) and create an infographic that justifies the importance of emotional intelligence (EI), Implicit bias, racial microaggressions, and stereotype threats, and the relationship between EI, DEI, and social justice. When creating the infographic, you will need to include all the following: 

 Part 1: Create an infographic that addresses the following:

1. Include a title and a quote that synthesizes this lesson.

2. Define EI, implicit bias, racial microaggressions, and stereotype threats; and then, explain how they support and impact social justice.

3. Justify each idea as it applies to your profession, interest, or specific audience.

4. Use statistical data to support your justification of the importance of each idea.

5. Include strategies to combat or reduce stereotype threats that can support all stakeholders. 

6. Utilize visuals and images that support your position.

Length: Infographic, 1 page, not including title and reference page. 

References:  Include a minimum of 3 scholarly sources.

The completed assignment should address all assignment requirements, exhibit evidence of concept knowledge, and demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the content presented in the course. The writing should integrate scholarly resources, reflect academic expectations, and current APA standards, and adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.

Part 2: Share your infographic with one stakeholder, and ask them to address the following:     

  1. Explain how reading your infographic informs their perspective of emotional intelligence, stereotype threats, and the relationship between EI, DEI, and social justice.
  2. Identify two things you learned from this infographic that you can share with others. Explain your thinking.

Length: 2-4 pages, not including title and reference page.

References: Include a minimum of 3 scholarly references. 

 Submit Part 1 and Part 2 as one assignment

Additional Resources:

·  Venngage:

·  Canva: 

·  Piktochart:

These are excellent free resources that will allow you to create your infographic. You will need to create an account.


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