You must choose whether you want to do a quantitative or a qualitative method and then write up the proposed methodology as part of this milestone. Once your methods are approved, you will be able to go and do the research you propose.
Here is a video on this next step.
Here is a second video.
The purpose of this milestone is to outline the methodology. It will have the following parts:
- Problem Statement – what issue you want your research to address
- Research Questions – the broader, unanswered questions that connect directly to your problem
- Method – will you do quantitative or qualitative? (Note – if you choose quantitative, you need to get at least 20 people to take your survey; if you choose qualitative, you need to interview at least one person)
- Instrument – if you are doing quantitative, your instrument is a survey; if you are doing qualitative, your instrument will be an interview
- Participants and Time Frame – who do you want to participate in the study and how long will you collect data?
- Limitations – what could get in the way of your study?
- Sample Questions – write out your instrument; provide a sample
Use the template below to complete your methodology.
HN150 Milestone 3 Template WN21.docx
Problem Statement
Most of the secondary research has been about voters who are over the age of 25. More research should be conducted about voters who are between the ages of 18 and 25. Further, understanding what motivated this age group to vote in the 2020 election is important. It may help to indicate if these voters plan to remain civically engaged in future elections, whether local or national.
Research Questions
The following questions will guide this study:
1. What motivated voters between the ages of 18 and 25 to vote in the 2020 election?
2. Does this age group plan to vote in future elections?
3. Does this age group find voting to be an important privilege?
Research Methods
Qualitative research will be the method used for this study. Delving more deeply into the “hows” and “whys” of this age group’s motivation for voting is important.
One on one interviews (focus group would also work) via Zoom or Facetime will be utilized. The researcher will ask ___ questions.
Participants and Time Frame
The researcher wants to interview 3 students who are enrolled in college in the New York area.
Scheduling interviews with students might be challenging—coordinating schedules may lead to conflicts. The coronavirus pandemic is also a limitation and all interviews will need to be conducted via Zoom, Facetime, or over the phone. Honesty is also a limitation, since some students may feel uncomfortable being totally honest about their feelings on this topic. Finally, time is also a limitation. The final project is due on December 7, so collecting data needs to happen quickly.
Sample Questions
• What motivated voters between the ages of 18 and 25 to vote in the 2020 election?
o How old are you?
o Are you registered to vote in the United States?
o Did you vote in the 2020 election? Why or why not?
o If you voted, what were the factors that influenced you to vote?
o Did the choice of presidential candidates motivate you to vote?
o How did you vote? In person? Mail?
• Does this age group plan to vote in future elections?
o Do you plan to vote in future elections? Why or why not?
• Does this age group find voting to be an important privilege?