fema (des)


In this project you will use the FEMA cost benefit tool (Attached Excel file) to help decide if a mitigation practice is financially responsible or not. In this exercise we will look at the feasibility of a tornado safe room in a home.

– If you do not already have the FEMA cost benefit tool downloaded on your computer follow the link to https://www.fema.gov/media-library/assets/documents/179903 and you will find the tool and the directions.

– Note that this tool is an excel file but must have the proper “add on” from the FEMA site to work properly.

– When Excel opens up look on the right top corner and click on “FEMA BCA” in the FEMA directions there are very detailed descriptions of this with screen shots to help you.

– for title use the word tornado safe room and your name

-Use the property location of your home or parents home fill in blanks as the pertain to this structure

– We will assume the cost of our project is $10,000 to begin with and has a life of 30 years

– On the next page answer the questions asked such as how many people will use this safe room

– Fill in the questionnaire until finished. when the final report is completed take a screen shot of the finished cost benefit summary from the tool and submit this with a short discussion on whether you would fund this project and why or why not based off of the tool recommendation.


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