
Add an APA reference list with working links if you used online sources; do not use Wikepedia. Follow the below order by numbering each section as I have below. I have also added Turnitin for a plagiarism review. This will also cross-reference with others in the course and other assignments that have been turned in. Any Turnitin score over 30% will result in a failure. DO NOT USE DIRECT QUOTES AS IT INCREASES YOUR TURNITIN SCORE. This assignment is worth 100 points. The breakdown is below. 

1)  State a research question (i.e., does living in a single parent household increase crime?)- do not use my example, one close to it or what we use in class (WORTH 10 POINTS).

2) State a hypothesis to your research question (i.e., I hypothesize that children who grew up in only a mother’s care will have higher rates of crime) (WORTH 10 POINTS). Note how specific this is and directional- I am picking whether crime will be higher or lower. 

3) Write a 200 word minimum (add the word count to the end of the paragraph) on how you are defining and measuring your IV and DV. Be explicit here (WORTH 20 POINTS). Defining and measuring are two different things, stick to the topic. 

4) Develop 10 multiple choice survey questions (and answers) that will begin to determine if your research hypothesis correct. For example, for the above hypothesis, you might ask in one question who they live with (give them the list of answers and be exhaustive) and in another question ask about crime. You must make sure you are covering both the IV and DV in your questions, otherwise you can’t prove your hypothesis. Follow ALL survey question details in your corresponding chapter in your text (remember skip patterns- but, don’t do a full survey of skips-, no double barrels, exhaustive, but mutually exclusive, etc.). This should look like a real typed survey you would take in school or elsewhere, but it corresponds to your chosen research topic. (WORTH 50 POINTS). Have four MC answer choices- do not use ‘other”.

5) In 150 words (again, include word count), describe the sample who would receive your survey.  This should be linked to your research hypothesis and should have face validity (WORTH 10 POINTS).


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