Development from ovulation to fertilization part 3

No word count just high-yield detail response

 Development from ovulation to fertilization (normal development):

 1. Give typical sperm numbers in ejaculate. What is the site of fertilization? 

2. Describe the role of female reproductive tract in sperm capacitation, facilitating/ hindering motility.

 3. Describe the female menstrual cycle with respect to the hormonal control of ovulation. 

4. Describe the morphology of the oocyte including the stage of meiosis and the morphology of the ovary after ovulation. 

5. Describe the molecular interactions between sperm, zona pellucida and oocyte during fertilization including their role in the prevention of polyspermy and the activation of the egg.

 6. Describe the physical location and timing of ovulation and fertilization. Distinguish between the major ways to determine the start of a pregnancy. Give the number of days used in calculating expected date of confinement (EDC) for each method. 

7. Describe the relative roles of maternal and zygotic genes in the earliest stages of development. 

Development from ovulation to fertilization (genetic/congenital disorders) 

1. Identify the major causes of male and female infertility and their frequency.

 2. Describe assisted reproductive technologies (IVF, GIFT, ZIFT) and define major social and ethical issues associated with these technologies. 


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