home work

Cousin’s Tournament


The purpose of this assignment is to test the link between family harmony and selection of a successor. 


Start by reading the case in the textbook on page 189. (Please submit the assignment as Lastname.Firstname.ICA02.docx.) Your written report should be key boarded, utilize the American Psychological Association (APA) citation format, and be 2-3 pages in length. Use 12-point Arial font, one-inch margins, 1/4-inch indentions, and single line and character spacing. All assignments will be graded as to content, format, Grammar, spelling, punctuation, word use, subject-verb agreement, and other hallmarks of University level writing. Turn in your MS Word files (with header) to Canvas. Late submissions will not be accepted. Do not send me assignments in PDF, HTML, Pages®, Word Perfect®, linked to Microsoft 365®, linked to Sharepoint.com®, or linked to Google Docs®.

Questions to Answer:

Cousin’s Tournament Case

  1. What are the central challenges facing Al Blanchard, Grandview Industries, and the Blanchard family.
  2. What does your answer to question 1 say about what is truly unique about family-owned businesses?
  3. What would you recommend Al Blanchard do, in his leadership capacity, on behalf of Grandview Industries and its shareholders?
  4. What should the process for choosing the next president be?


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