Week 8 SPMT dialogue


For this week’s group dialogue, please respond to the prompt stated in the corresponding week’s Course Content folder. A grading rubric for this assignment can be found in the “Grades and Progress” section of the main menu. Locate the assignment and click on “View Rubric.”

For this week’s group dialogue, please respond to the prompt stated below. A grading rubric for this assignment can be found in the “Grades and Progress” section of the main menu. Locate the assignment and click on “View Rubric.”

This week’s dialogue prompt is:

The following video presentation comes from a sports marketing manager for the Milwaukee Bucks, Michael Grahl.  Skip to the core conversation at 5:28 about social media marketing in sports, or “Sports Marketing with Millenials.”  Based on what you have learned this week, identify some concerns or pitfalls that may have arisen with their marketing strategy.  What are some ways they could have protected themselves?  What laws and entities may have been implicated in litigation had something gone awry? [You must properly cite your Sharp text and at least one outside resource using APA format, not including constitutional provisions, statutes, ordinances, or other laws, rules, and regulations.]


what this youtube video for assistance 


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