Final project

Hi,  I have attached the vendor evaluation matrix that you will use in the final report. You will list the name of the fictional hospital or ambulatory clinic at the top followed by the vendors that you be evaluating. You will need to list your requirements on the left side of the matrix. It comes pre-populated with some requirements which you can use, but you only need to list your top 10-15 requirements. Then weigh each vendor on the requirements with a scale of 1-5 with 5 being the highest rating. Then total up the scores and you can use this as part of your decision making process for the recommendation.

I have also attached the vendor evaluation matrix that you will use in the final report. You will list the name of the fictional hospital or ambulatory clinic at the top followed by the vendors that you be evaluating. You will need to list your requirements on the left side of the matrix. It comes pre-populated with some requirements which you can use, but you only need to list your top 10-15 requirements. Then weigh each vendor on the requirements with a scale of 1-5 with 5 being the highest rating. Then total up the scores and you can use this as part of your decision making process for your recommendation.

One more thing for you for the final project 

Please go to and request a free account. This site can help you in the evaluation of your vendors. This site is known to be the leader in reviews for acute and ambulatory vendors. Please log on and see the different vendors and modules that they offer and how they rate compared to others.

Use chapter 7 as your guide I attached in page 146. Follow the steps in page 146 from the book. Tell the story as a narrative. Who are you? Whats your role? What health system hired you. 

Students are required to submit a minimum  eight-page research project at the end of the semester. The topic is that you are an information technology consultant and have been hired to evaluate the vendor information system alternatives and select a new healthcare information system for a hospital, clinical department or other provider entity. You will prepare a consulting report on analyzing current systems and providing needs analysis. You will evaluate potential vendors and provide a recommendation for a new system.
A special project is required as follows:
Consider that you are an information technology consultant. You have been hired to evaluate the vendor information system alternatives and select a new healthcare information system for a hospital, clinical department or other provider entity. You will prepare a consulting report that includes the following:
1. Situation Analysis. Describe the “real” or hypothetical work environment, provider objectives and current information systems configuration as well as any unmet needs or issues. What current clinical systems does the hospital or ambulatory clinic have? What are their pain points with the current setup?
2. Functional Requirements. List or otherwise characterize the key functional requirements to be met by a new or upgraded health information system.
3. Evaluate Vendor Alternatives. Describe and evaluate two to four vendor alternatives. Indicate pros, cons for each alternative. You must evaluate real vendors ex. Epic, Allscripts, Meditech
4. Provisional Recommendation. Given the information available to you, what are you recommending to your client? Options may include upgrading the current system or implementing a new enterprise-wide clinical system. Be specific and indicate your rationales for your recommendation.
5. A table comparing features of the vendor alternatives
6. A graphic representation depicting the workflow of one department in your fictional hospital.
*Define the process that you will be taking to make a decision. For example, you as the project manager with be forming a steering committee, have vendor demonstration days etc. Use the steps defined in  in Chapter 7 as your guide.


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