Marketing Cessna 208B Grand Caravan

 Write a Marketing Sales Letter to promote Cessna 208B Grand Caravan. The goal of any sales or persuasive letter is to sell the product/service or persuade a reader to take the recommended course of action. You will sell your product by building value, not by selling price. There is no definite number of paragraphs required; I will be grading based on the quantity and quality of rich detail. It is acceptable to write onto or even fill up a second page for this letter; you may include photographs, pictures or other graphics, but I will not evaluate these as part of your grade. 


Marketing Sales Letter Writing Tips: 

Be friendly and concerned about the customer’s interests.

Use simple language.

Use testimonials or mention achievements and credentials to build trust.

Make a good offer or provide incentives.

Call to action is very important; always include contact info.

For more tips, and samples visit the following links: 


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