Briefly Discuss

 1. Do you think Marijuana should be legal throughout the U.S.?  There are numerous reasons on both sides of the argument, reference at least 2 factual based articles/research for your argument. 

2.  What is an example of an existing prevention program for substance abuse/ mental disorders? Explain the program, benefits. and limitations.

3. Why is health literacy important in prevention and treatment programs for substance abuse/mental disorders?

4. Think about what you know. What type of awareness/prevention program would you create to help reduce the use/abuse of this substances and why?   

5. We are surrounded by different messages every day and so what messages have you seen or heard that mentions or portrays drugs? Consider songs, advertising, television, and social media.  Tell me about 3 of the most influential messages you have seen or heard.  Is the information encouraging or discouraging certain behavior?

6. What effects do you think the messages have on younger people?


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