

Assignment 1: Using Spreadsheets to Create a Business Case from Raw Data

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This exercise helps students understand how a raw file of sales transactions can be analyzed to produce valuable information for managers. Your challenge is to see what the data is telling you via the Dashboard you created and then present your case for improvement! 

You are the Senior Vice President of Sales for the Natun Computer Company. This is your regular report to the CEO, summarizing the recent performance of the company. Although all stores are approximately the same in terms of retail space and workforce, there have been falling sales in some stores. Leadership is interested in using data-driven decision-making to make management changes at the regional and store level. In addition, Product Development is looking for a direction to focus investments. Marketing is also interested in how the “best sellers” can be leveraged in advertising and promotions to increase overall sales. 


Use the data provided to perform the below analyses using PivotTables and to create a visually appealing dashboard similar to your LinkedIn learning (required for all six analyses). 

Analyze ALL THREE of the below items:

  1. Best Performing Regions by Total Revenue
  2. Best Performing Stores by Total Revenue
  3. Best Selling Products by Total Revenue 

Select All THREE of the below items to analyze:

4. Total Revenue for each Product by Selling Period

5. Total Revenue for each Region by Selling Period

6. Total Revenue for each Store by Selling Period

Use APA format for your entire report, including your tables, and cite your sources used. Don’t forget a clear introduction to your project and conclude with a summary of your recommendations to the CEO.

Provide your insights and recommendations in a formal business case – in the form of ONE descriptive paragraph (6 total) and ONE data table (6 total) — for each analysis. Each paragraph must refer to the information presented in the table using the labeled Table #. For each analysis, provide your insights on historical performance and your recommendations for future actions.

Make sure to submit your final report with one WORD document and one EXCEL file.


Business Case Study

Recommendations for Reporting Analytical Work

Always start with an Introduction of the business problem that you will be addressing in your report.

· End this Introduction with a brief summary of the topics you’ll be covering in your report.

Always discuss information BEFORE showing a Table or Figure

· Always reference a Table or Figure in the text, for example: “see Table 1 below.”

· The Table/Figure should follow as soon as possible on the page (e.g., at the next paragraph break)

Do NOT just reiterate the data in the Table or Figure

· DO provide explanation, meaning, and/or summary of key points shown in the Table/Figure

· For example, stating comparisons such as “A is 32% larger than B” or “this trend has consistently increased over the past 12 months.”

Keep Tables/Figure as concise as possible — not too much data to clutter your main point.

· 1/4 page is a good size, 1/2 page maximum, or use the Appendix as last resort for very large Tables/Figures

· Avoid breaking Tables/Figure across 2 pages.

· Keep fonts legible, typically in the same style and size as your paragraph text.

Always end with a Conclusion that:

· Briefly summarizes your work,

· Highlights again your key findings and

· Ends with your overall recommendation and/or necessary actions as “next steps.”

HINT: As with all writing and speaking, know your audience! For a business analysis, this will probably be your supervisor within your company/organization.

Recommendations for a Formal Business Report

This assignment is considered a complete Business Case Study. Therefore, your report should be written as a formal business report of your analysis. 

· To be professional, always write in the formal third person. Example of good nouns: The team determined… This project will…This analysis finds…

· As this is a real-time analysis, write in the present tense to describe your findings and recommended actions for your company. 

· APA format is required, including a title page and reference page.

· DO NOT cite internal information as provided in the Case Study.

· Use Headings and Sub-headings as appropriate.

· Exception: DO NOT include an Abstract or Table of Contents for this short report.


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