

Create a statistical or geographic infographic that displays two types of data.

  • For example:
  • If you create a statistical infographic:
  • It should include at least two graphs displaying different data.
  • If you create a geographical infographic:
  • It should include one map, traced in vector, with at least two different types of data displayed. For example, a US map, states in two colors, or a close-up of a section of a map with additional information.
  • Your infographic must tell the story behind the data with a clear and effective layout and memorable visuals. To do this:
  • Use a limited color palette.
  • Employ effective typographic hierarchy
  • Maintain a consistent style for all graphics.
  • Provide creativity and originality in execution and design.
  • Use correct spelling, grammar, plus images and references cited in APA format.

Infographic Guidelines

  • Your infographic will be sized for one screen.
  • Start a new Web Document in Illustrator. Set the Width to 960 px and the Height to 1440 px.
  • If you are creating a geographic infographic, switch to the landscape view.
  • Submit your infographic as a PDF file.

Infographic Suggestions

  • Issue #1: How the culture of consumerism contributes to global economic inequality. Your infographic could address statistics about income inequality with comparison data on average yearly wage in the developed world vs average yearly wage in other parts of the world.
  • Issue #2: Make a difference in providing girls with an education around the world. Your infographic could include graphs about how many girls are educated in different parts of the world, and how education impacts their poverty level and the poverty level of their communities.
  • Issue #3: Impact of climate change/carbon emissions, rising temperatures, weather changes. Your infographic could include a geographic map with sections showing temperature changes, which may be shown in via color shifts.
  • Issue #4: Ending racism, sexism, and class warfare around the world. Your infographic could focus on educating the public about any of the above topics. Don’t try to do too much; focus on one topic in order not to confuse the viewer. For example, for the topic of racism, consider how much racism still exists, and ageographic map showing what countries are making the most progress against racism. Or you may focus on women’s rights and create graphs that show wage comparisons based on gender in America.

Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

Save your assignment as an AI file. Then, save a copy as a PDF file. Submit the PDF file.

The name of the file should be your first initial and last name, followed by an underscore and the name of the assignment, and an underscore and the date. An example is shown below:


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