

Participate in the Unit 2 Discussion Board:

Part 1:

a.  Watch the online clip from the film Mona Lisa Smile at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkteNuJepzU.

  1. Complete the Lesson Image Recognition Exercise and Reading Images Establishing Meaning Exercise PPts.
  2. How is taste showing in the movie clip? What were the young ladies studying to become? How were the art professor’s new goals different from those around her? Does this example relate to the ideas of taste and elitism discussed in class?
  3. Appropriation: Use old magazines, glue and scissors to cut, glue and reconfigure images to make a new image with new meaning. Please take a digital photo of your work and share it with the class.

Part 2:

  1. Go to http://www.pbs.org/art21/ and find the pages Do-Ho Suh.
  2. Read he biographies and watch the video segment featuring that artist.
  3. Take notes on the artist and choose one work to write a formal critique of his work. You may go to that artist’s website and choose one work of art to focus upon. Please provide a link or include the image in the writing. Please respond to other students’ writings so that everyone can practice using the critique process. 


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