Research Proposal


Methods: The method section aims to provide sufficient detail about your research project to enable readers to replicate your study should they desire. The section is typically made up of three subsections: (1) Participants, (2) Materials, apparatus, and testing instruments, and (3) Procedure. Justify why you are using these methods.

Participants subsection answers three questions: Who are your participants (demographic information), how many participants (approximate desired amount of people), and how are the participants selected for the study (random sampling; convenience sample, etc.)? Include how any potential ethical concerns regarding your participants will be addressed.

The Materials subsection includes what assessment tools you will use in your study (e.g., survey, structured interview, observation). Also, include any additional apparatuses necessary for your study (e.g., informed consent forms, surveys, permissions, experimental materials, etc.). Please indicate whether your study is quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods.

The Procedures subsection accounts for what the participants and researchers will perform during the study and the methodology used. In other words, how will you conduct your study? Give enough information to allow a replication of your method.

End this section with a description of the statistical analysis methods you propose. Include subheadings for all sections (APA format, left aligned, bold typed).


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