7-1 Discussion: Media and Empathy

In this module, you learned how the media can influence empathy as it pertains to the criminal justice process. You also explored how the media can influence both empathy of the general public for the victim and legislative decision making. For this discussion, you will share a criminal case in which the media influenced empathy. There are several ways in which the media can influence empathy in a case: pretrial publicity, judicial remedies (such as change of venue), cameras in the courtroom, or extensive coverage of a high-profile case. In addition, it’s important to keep in mind that social media can impact those involved in a criminal case.

Choose a criminal case in which the media influenced empathy. It can be a high-profile case (6 Intriguingly Famous Court Cases That Captivated the Nation) or a local case in the area in which you live.

In your initial post, describe the case or provide quality resources that explain the case. Include the following in your description:

  • Explain how the media influenced empathy in the case.
  • How was media used in the case?
  • In your opinion, who was affected by the media?
  • Do you think the media and its influence on empathy changed the case outcome?

In response to two of your peers, compare and contrast how the media influenced empathy in your case and in theirs. Consider the following in your comparison:

  • Are there any similarities in the two cases, such as how the media was used or who was affected by the media?
  • Explain how the case outcome could have been different if the media had not influenced empathy in the case they chose.
  • Provide any additional insights or thoughts regarding the case and how the media influenced empathy.

To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric.


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