diss 5

Start a conversation by writing an opinion blog considering the cost difference between paying per-use (variable fee) or paying with subscription/membership (one-time flat fee). The opinion blog needs to be at least 3 paragraphs including:

Introduction – Paragraph One:

  • Share the name and a brief description of the service/membership. Include the URL when possible.
  • Share your rationale for buying this service/membership, including the benefits you plan to use.
  • Estimate how often you have/will use the service or membership for one year. This will be your frequency value for x.

Body – Paragraph Two:

  • Compare and contrast the total costs between a per-use and subscription/membership pay structure:
    1. Calculate the total cost (y) for this service or membership when using a per-use pay structure (per-use cost = c). Assume the value of x from above and the linear model, y = c*x (see Linear Models in Unit 5 LiveBinder). Share the total cost when paying per-use for one year.
      • How does this compare to the total cost of subscription/membership or this service for one year? Justify your thoughts with your numerical evidence.
    2. Calculate the per-use rate (c) for this service or membership when using a subscription pay structure (cost of subscription = k). Assume the value of x from above and the linear model c = k/x (see Linear Models in Unit 5 LiveBinder). Share the per-use rate with a subscription for one year.
      • How does this compare to the per-use rate without subscription for one year? Justify your thoughts with your numerical evidence.

Conclusion – Paragraph Three:

  • Share your opinion on which plan (pay-per-use or subscription/membership) would be of greatest benefit to you.
  • How often will you need to use this service or membership to make it worth it?
  • What advice can you offer others to help them make a qualified decision in this situation or a similar one?


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